I think `Path.of` is preferred to `Paths. Too many lines of code for such a simple thing. "It is recommended to obtain a Path via the Path.of methods instead of via the get methods defined in this class as this class may be depreca Simplifier wrote: Try (InputStream inputStream = ("test.fil Christian Stein wrote: Reinersdorff wrote:Īn option without hardcoding src/test/resources: Then restart VS and they should show up in intelisense. The activemq-cli is a great tool for testing JMX on the local server. Use nuget to install bootstrap in your project, even if you have manually installed it.

Ensure that you have dragged bootstrap. Install following Packs to enable intellisense. How could something so simple as a bunch of characters repr David Kant wrote: Open Visual Studio Go in Extensions and Updates and then click on Online Tab.

I know several people are Kevin Farnham wrote:Īmazingly, strings are a problem throughout so many languages, C, C++, Java, Python. Is Netbeans even used anymore (outside of Oracle or their non-IT customers)? I've download the mocked project and launch the Ananth Raghuraman wrote: I've tried what you have done in your video, but no test was executed.