Some bricks use out of date molds, the reasoning for this is that they were included in the inventory of an older model such as 7.In order to build the MOC, you will need additional bricks from bricklink / your own collection besides from the four sets listed.For any piece color with in the inventory list the color doesn't matter, the piece does, and can be replaced with any color, as long as the piece is the same.Important notes on inventory items and building instructions: The Sanctum Sanctorum is located at 177A Bleecker Street, New York City, NY 10012-1406, on the corner of Bleecker Street and Fenno Place in the heart of Greenwich Village. This build is based on the mansion of Doctor Stephen Strange from Marvel Comics and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The MOC's three levels include the Sanctum Sanctorum, Peter Parker’s Apartment and Joe's pizzeria from SpiderMan 2, Nelson and Murdock Law Office from Daredevil, Chikara Dojo from Iron Fist. Features many aspects of the LEGO Modular Building Theme including sidewalks, configured into a 32-stud-long facade, and fits perfectly with official modulars in a corner formation. This build is a conversion of 76108 Battle for the Sanctum Sanctorum into a LEGO Modular Building Theme design. 76185-1 Spider-Man at the Sanctum Workshop.76060-1 Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum.Cost for Parts Required:~$$$ (in 2021 USD currency).